Anum Tahir
3 min readJun 5, 2021

Green Tea A Miracle Drink.

Written by Anum Tahir.

The practice of drinking green tea originated in China. Legend has it that it was discovered by Shannong, the Emperor of China, in 2737 B.C when a few tea trees leaves fell into his cup of boiled water. Later, Chinese monks started drinking green tea for refreshment and to help them meditate. They would often travel to India and other places to spread Buddhism, and they took this miracle drink with them. Thereafter, green tea gained popularity.

The most popular beverages used by worldwide are tea. Tea comes from the word Camellia sinensis. It is known in different world as Black, Green and Oolong tea. But the most important effect has been seen by the consumption of green tea. Firstly India exports a huge amount of green tea to Japan in 17th century. Average estimate of tea produced worldwide is 2.5 million tons in which 20% produced as green tea. Green tea is mainly used in Asia, Africa, Europe and some parts of United States of America. Green and Black tea are manufactured in a different way. As firstly, freshly harvested green leaves are steamed prevent from fermentation and then make a dry stable product for use.

Large areas of land are put under cultivation of tea in India, Sri Lanka, China, Indonesia and Japan. It is available as black tea from India and Sri Lanka and green tea from China and Japan


Green tea is available in many types and forms, including:

Bottled and sweetened with sugar or an artificial sweetener

Tea bags

Loose leaf

Instant powder

Green tea supplements, in capsule form or as liquid extracts

Effects on Obesity:

Green tea help in reduces weight loss. Tea catechins, especially EGCG have the power to control obesity. African black tea extract has been shown to suppress the elevation of blood glucose during food intake and reduce the body weight.

Sore Throat:

Green tea is a natural, anti-microbial, and harmless substance that can reduce the prevalence of sore throat. Drinking green tea prevents getting sore throats and colds since it helps fight the bacteria

Harmful effects of tea over consumption (black or green) are due to three main factors: (1) its caffeine content, (2) the presence of aluminum, and (3) the effects of tea polyphenols on iron bio availability. Green tea should not be taken by patients suffering from heart conditions or major cardiovascular problems. Pregnant and breast-feeding women should drink no more than one or two cups per day, because caffeine can cause an increase in heart rhythm.

Green tea consumption may lead to prevent cancer. It reduces the effect of chronic diseases. Green tea may lower blood pressure and thus reduce the risk of stroke and coronary heart disease. The effectiveness of green tea in treating any type of diarrhea and typhoid has been known in Asia since ancient times.


Green tea may have a number of health benefits. For example, it may help weight management, skin inflammation. Some research has also linked green tea consumption to improved cardiovascular health. Green tea has one of the highest concentrations of antioxidants of any tea. It is naturally low in calories and contains less caffeine than black tea and coffee.

Anum Tahir

My self Anum Tahir. Professionally I am a teacher and also write articles on different topics.I have done B.S (Hons) in International Relations.